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Friday, July 15, 2016

Peerless Lapeer: Common Yellowthroat, Chestnut-sided Warbler and American Redstart

[Lapeer SGA. June 2016]

In prior posts, we have had the distinct pleasure in profiling rare species (such as Kirtland's Warbler) as well as common species that are uncommonly observed (such as Montezuma Quail).

Yet, here, in a complete U-turn, we now cheerfully profile species that are both widespread and also commonly observed (given appropriate habitat). This fact, however, makes these species no less interesting or charming. 

An assortment of species that meet these very criteria was recently encountered by this blogger at Lapeer State Game Area:
  • Common Yellowthroat
  • Chestnut-sided Warbler
  • American Redstart
  • Hooded Warbler

We start with the Common Yellowthroat -- although commonly heard and seen, this warbler is uncommonly striking:

If this warbler were being described today, perhaps it might be named for its most distinguishing feature -- "Masked Yellowthroat".

The range of the Common Yellowthroat is vast -- it is observable in all corners of the country -- from Arizona to to Maine and Texas to Washington.

The "wichety wichety" song of the Common Yellowthroat rings in our woods in brushy areas throughout the US in Spring and Summer.

Also seen at Lapeer was this beautiful Chestnut-sided Warbler:

Chestnut-sided Warbler is a rare example of a warbler whose populations have benefited from human-altered habitats.

American Redstart is another warbler that is well seen at Lapeer and other areas in its breeding range across much of the Northern US:

Finally, Hooded Warbler:

A black throat and yellow mask, the Hooded Warbler is justifiably said to be the "inverse" of the Common Yellowthroat.

This upper limit of the Hooded Warbler's range has extended Northward as climate change makes for more suitable habitat.
Common or not, these warblers are the real treasure of our woods and they are ours to observe and enjoy every summer.

1 comment:

Bob Pelkey said...

A very nice collection of warblers calling, Hemant. The Hooded Warblers will certainly not show obvious reaction to the snowfall occurring in three states this past week.