[December 2017]
This blog's humble purpose will have been amply served should it serve just once to inspire an artist; encourage a birder; entertain a reader; or, enrich a nature lover. And, in this post, this blogger is pleased to present the art of Pam Wagner whose inspiration, in part, was drawn from this very blog -- and we quote:
Your photos are an artist's delight! I was looking for any decent photo of two birds to look at, needing to know what a Hooded Warbler and a Brown Creeper look like, for a piece I am drawing for a friend's Chanukah present, and came across both birds at your site. What marvelously clear and beautiful photos! As someone who despite being able to draw has trouble seeing, these were a dream come true as each detail is clear that I needed for my renderings.
This blog's humble purpose will have been amply served should it serve just once to inspire an artist; encourage a birder; entertain a reader; or, enrich a nature lover. And, in this post, this blogger is pleased to present the art of Pam Wagner whose inspiration, in part, was drawn from this very blog -- and we quote:
Your photos are an artist's delight! I was looking for any decent photo of two birds to look at, needing to know what a Hooded Warbler and a Brown Creeper look like, for a piece I am drawing for a friend's Chanukah present, and came across both birds at your site. What marvelously clear and beautiful photos! As someone who despite being able to draw has trouble seeing, these were a dream come true as each detail is clear that I needed for my renderings.
The above is Pam's signature “fractured portrait” in colored pencil depicting a young man who also happens to be an avid birder. A birder whose two favorite small birds are the Hooded Warbler and Brown Creeper that are also depicted with him. We are reminded of Kari's Snowy Plover that was recently profiled in a similar vein earlier this year.
For the birds themselves, we start with a quick review of the species; first with Hooded Warbler seen in Michigan:
For the birds themselves, we start with a quick review of the species; first with Hooded Warbler seen in Michigan:
Here seen at Port Huron SGA, this warbler is virtually unmistakable in Spring.
The second bird -- the Creeper -- is famously described as "moving bark" as it scurries up and down tree limbs, barely distinguishable from its surroundings:
Finally, a little more about our featured artist:
Pamela Spiro Wagner: Artist, poet, co-author of Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and their Journey through Schizophrenia (St Martins Press, 2005) and author of We Mad Climb Shaky Ladders (CavanKerry Press, 2009). Her third book, poems, Learning to See in Three Dimensions, poems and art, was published in June 2017 by Green Writers Press and Sundog Poetry Center of Vermont.
Wagner is open to readings, speaking on mental health issues, and sales/donations of her art. Please contact for details by email or cell phone, 802-579-1432. Check out http://pamelaspirowagner.com for links to Wagner's art and poetry.
"There is no negative space, only the shapely void. Hold your hands out, cup the air. To see the emptiness you hold is to know that space loves the world." P. Wagner
Pamela Spiro Wagner: Artist, poet, co-author of Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and their Journey through Schizophrenia (St Martins Press, 2005) and author of We Mad Climb Shaky Ladders (CavanKerry Press, 2009). Her third book, poems, Learning to See in Three Dimensions, poems and art, was published in June 2017 by Green Writers Press and Sundog Poetry Center of Vermont.
Wagner is open to readings, speaking on mental health issues, and sales/donations of her art. Please contact for details by email or cell phone, 802-579-1432. Check out http://pamelaspirowagner.com for links to Wagner's art and poetry.
"There is no negative space, only the shapely void. Hold your hands out, cup the air. To see the emptiness you hold is to know that space loves the world." P. Wagner