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Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Magee Marsh: Other Migrants

[Magee Marsh, OH. May 2014]

While warblers steal the limelight at Magee Marsh (understandably so), there's more to Magee than Warblers -- including everything between shorebirds and raptors.

May 9th through the 22nd

Cumulative species observed: 31 (+6)

New species observed:
  1. Sandhill Crane
  2. Turkey Vulture
  3. Philadelphia Vireo
  4. Indigo Bunting
  5. House Wren
  6. Gray Catbird
 Sandhill Crane: a quick fly past:

Turkey Vulture: attacked with vicious determination by the nesting pair of Bald Eagles repeatedly, this Turkey Vulture was grievously injured:

Philadelphia Vireo:

Indigo Bunting:
House Wren:

Grey Catbird:

Repeat observations:
  1. Bald Eagle
  2. Eastern Screech Owl
  3. Summer Tanager
  4. Scarlet Tanager
  5. Veery
  6. Swainson's Thrush
  7. Baltimore Oriole
  8. Blue-grey Gnatcatcher
  9. Warbling Vireo
Bald Eagle: the nest is visible on the left.

Eastern Screech Owl: superbly camouflaged.

Summer Tanager:
Scarlet Tanager:

Swainson's Thrush:


Baltimore Oriole:

Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher:

Warbling Vireo:

May 8th

Cumulative species observed: 25

New species observed:
  1. Baltimore Oriole
  2. Eastern Bluebird
  3. Eastern Kingbird
  4. Veery
  5. Swainson's Thrush
  6. Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Baltimore Oriole -- their fluty songs rang in the air:
Eastern Bluebird -- not normally seen at this venue; a pair were observed hawking insects:

Eastern Kingbird:


Swainson's Thrush

Yellow-billed Cuckoo

Repeat species:
  1. Scarlet Tanager
  2. WarblingVireo
Scarlet tanagers gave incredible views:


Warbling Vireo -- not the most colorful vireo there is, but what it lacks in color, it makes up in song:


May 6th

Cumulative species observed: 19

New species observed:
  1. Eastern Screech Owl
  2. Rose-breasted Grosbeak
  3. WarblingVireo
Eastern Screech Owl is annual here and this year was no exception:

Rose-breasted Grosbeak:
Warbling Vireo:

Repeat species:
Blue-headed Vireos continue in their abundance:

May 2nd

Cumulative species observed: 16

New species observed:
  1. American Woodcock
  2. Rusty Blackbird
  3. Summer Tanager
  4. Ruby-crowned Kignlet
  5. Tree Swallow
The only shorebird likely to be seen from the Magee boardwalk:

Rusty Blackbird -- an identification challenge given all the grackles:

Summer Tanager -- a subadult male:

Ruby-crowned Kinglet:
Tree Swallows are abundant:

Repeat species:

April 30th

Cumulative species observed: 11

New species observed:
  1. Blue-headed Vireo
  2. Bald Eagle
  3. Eastern Towhee
  4. Hermit Thrush
  5. Wood Thrush
  6. Red-breasted Nuthatch
  7. Scarlet Tanager
  8. Whip-poor-will
  9. White-crowned Sparrow
  10. White-throated Sparrow
  11. Blue-grey Gnatcatcher
A veritable invasion of Blue-headed Vireos this season:

A Bald Eagle pair are nesting at Magee this year:

A female Eastern Towhee:
Hermit Thrush:

Wood Thrush:

Red-breasted Nuthatch:

Scarlet Tanager:


White-crowned Sparrow:
White-throated Sparrow:
Blue-grey Gnatcatcher:

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